DATETIME outputs a string with the current date and/or time and/or other current date/time info. Please run the dt-test.cmd to see an example of some of the output variations possible with DATETIME. To operate DATETIME simply run it with a string (enclosed in double quotes) containing the various time/date substitution codes that DATETIME supports. For example, to output a based time and date the command might look so: DATETIME "It is now @d, at @t in the @i3" The output for that might look like this: It is now Wednesday, February 21, 1996, at 3:06 pm in the afternoon. Practical uses for DATETIME might be if you want to display the date and time in a particular format while running a batch file. Or perhaps more useful, if you want to log a particular date/time something happens to a file. To do this just redirect the output of DATETIME to a file. DATETIME is extremely flexible in what I can output. The complete list of substitution codes can be obtained by running DATETIME /? which will give you this: DATEFILE outputs a string with the current date and/or time formatted to your command line specifications. Please enter the command line with double quotation marks and any these of these: @d - the full date (Thursday, February 15, 1996) @t - 12 time of day (9:34 pm) unit no lead ld zero ld spce Nth ---- ------- ------- ------- ---- month number - @m1 @m2 @m3 @m4 day of month - @d1 @d2 @d3 @d4 12 hour - @h1 @h2 @h3 @h4 24 hour - @H1 @H2 @H3 @H4 minute - @n1 @n2 @n3 @n4 second - @s1 @s2 @s3 @s4 hundredths - @u1 @u2 @u3 @u4 day of year - @a1 @a2 @a3 @a4 @y - year @y1 - 2 digit year @i - am/pm @i1 - AM/PM @i2 - Am/Pm @i3 - morning/afternoon/evening @M - month name @M1 - 3 letters @M2 - 2 letters @W - weekday name @W1 - 3 letters @W2 - 2 letters @W3 - num @W4 - Nth @p1 - % day gone @p2 - % year gone @t1 - tenth/Second Use standard output redirection to output/append to a file. /n means don't output cr/lf at end. example: DATETIME "It is now @t on @d." /n Questions/Comments to